How to Grow Tulsi in Canada? A Step-by-Step Guide

Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is a revered plant in many cultures, prized for its use in cooking and its medicinal properties. In India, it’s a staple in many households, not only for its flavor but also for its health benefits, including stress reduction and immune support.

However, growing Tulsi in Canada presents unique challenges due to the cooler and more variable climate. This guide will provide practical tips on how to successfully cultivate Tulsi in Canadian conditions, from selecting the right variety to harvesting your plants.

Steps to Growing Tulsi in Canada

Selecting the Right Variety

Choosing a variety of Tulsi that can withstand cooler climates is crucial. Rama and Krishna Tulsi are more resilient and can adapt to less-than-ideal conditions. These varieties are available at specialty plant stores or online retailers that ship to Canada. Starting with healthy, robust plants or seeds sets the foundation for successful growth.

Tulsi in Canada


The best time to plant Tulsi in Canada is late spring, after the risk of frost has passed. For a head start, plant seeds indoors about six weeks before the last expected frost. Once seedlings are strong enough and night temperatures consistently stay above 10°C, they can be moved outdoors.

Soil and Location

Tulsi thrives in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Choose a sunny spot that receives at least six hours of sunlight daily. If outdoor conditions are too harsh, consider growing Tulsi in pots that can be moved to optimize exposure to sunlight and shelter from extreme weather.

Caring for Tulsi

Water Tulsi regularly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. During the warmer months, you may need to water more frequently. Fertilize with a balanced, organic fertilizer every four to six weeks to support growth. Keep the plant in temperatures above 10°C, using mulch to help regulate soil temperature.

Protecting from Weather

Tulsi is sensitive to frost. In regions of Canada where early frosts are common, consider using a greenhouse or bringing your Tulsi indoors during colder months. Cover outdoor plants with frost blankets overnight to protect them from sudden drops in temperature.

Harvesting Tulsi in Canada

When to Harvest

The best time to harvest Tulsi leaves is when the plant is mature and has a bushy appearance, usually about 40 to 60 days after planting. Aim to harvest in the morning when the essential oils are strongest, providing maximum flavor and medicinal value. Regular harvesting encourages the plant to become fuller, as it stimulates new growth.

How to Harvest

To harvest Tulsi, use clean, sharp scissors or your fingers to pick leaves or clip branches. Cut the stems just above a leaf node; this encourages the plant to branch from the cut, leading to a fuller plant. Be careful not to remove more than one-third of the plant at any one time, as this allows it to recover and continue growing healthily.

Where to Find Tulsi Seeds and Plants in Canada

Finding Tulsi seeds or plants in Canada can be straightforward if you know where to look. Many garden centers and nurseries, especially those specializing in herbs or exotic plants, often carry Tulsi. You can also check with local health food stores or Indian markets, as they sometimes sell plants or seeds.

For online shopping, several Canadian-based websites offer Tulsi seeds and plants:

Richters Herbs: Known for a wide selection of Tulsi seeds including Rama, Krishna, and Vana Tulsi.

West Coast Seeds: This retailer provides organic Tulsi seeds that are well-suited for the Canadian climate.

Incredible Seeds: A Canadian seed company that features a variety of herb seeds, including Tulsi.

When purchasing, ensure that the seeds or plants are suitable for growing in your specific Canadian climate zone. This might involve checking the variety’s tolerance to cold and its adaptability to indoor environments during the colder months.

Additional Tips and Resources

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Tulsi can be susceptible to pests like aphids and spider mites, especially when grown indoors. Regularly inspect plants and treat infestations early with neem oil or insecticidal soap. Fungal diseases can occur in damp conditions, so ensure good air circulation around your plants and avoid overhead watering. If you notice any mold or mildew, reduce moisture levels and consider using a fungicide.

Using Tulsi

Harvested Tulsi leaves can be used fresh or dried for various culinary and medicinal purposes. Fresh leaves are excellent in teas, added to salads, or used as garnish. For medicinal use, Tulsi can be steeped as tea to help relieve stress, boost immunity, or reduce inflammation. Dried Tulsi leaves can be stored in airtight containers and used throughout the year.


Growing Tulsi in Canada is not only possible but also rewarding. With its delightful aroma and numerous health benefits, Tulsi makes a valuable addition to any garden. Despite the cooler Canadian climate, following these guidelines will help ensure your Tulsi thrives. Whether used in your kitchen or as a natural remedy, Tulsi’s versatility and benefits make it well worth the effort.

This article has provided you with the essential knowledge to start and nurture your Tulsi plant in Canada. Happy gardening!

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